Sanger, Texas

Type of Sirens: American Signal Tempest-128, American Signal Tempest-135
Number of Sirens: 4 known
Test Date/Time: Unknown
Activation: Radio controls, encoding method unknown

The Downtown Siren

Well well well, little Sanger isn't so little after all
The mighty T-128 is here too
Excellent, as Sanger needs some effective warning

This siren has been here a while
These are the style of control boxes that first came with the T-128 upon its release
and they are a bit weathered

Like its brothers further south down I-35, again you are warned that the siren can start
up at any time.
I am not sure that this siren is a DC version, as none of these boxes appear to be
big enough for a battery

Here is a side shot looking up at the siren itself.

The wiring here appears fragile, yet the siren has moved since I saw it for the first time so I know it is working.

The I-35 Siren(s)
(a.k.a. Progress...)

This site has changed in less than a month.
Originally, there stood just this one lone Penetrator

I'm not sure which variant of the Penetrator siren this is, but it isn't very big
so it is probably a well-weathered Penetrator-10
The light didn't favor this angle, so lets spin around.

If you look at this full-size, you'll see a vintage ACA "swirl" logo on the Penetrator.
Oh, my word.... what is that?!?!?!?!


This, my viewers, is the biggest, loudest, and baddest siren in production today, the ASC T-135
It is positively


This is the first example I have ever seen of this beast of a siren, and I was
screaming "WOOOOOO!!!! JACKPOT!!!! T-135 baby!"

(When you've never seen one before, it is a big deal)


The Penetrator seems like an insignificant toy in comparison to the behemoth.
Heck, you could stuff the whole Penetrator into the T-135 and have room left over.
(I can somehow imagine a nice tasty "BURP" involved in the process)

I stepped out a bit more to get a good look down the horn of the T-135
It doesn't look big in the picture, but it is intimidatingly large
looking up at it from 100 feet.
We know the siren is a monster and has a voracious appetite for power
so lets take a look at the controls

This is the radio and decoder for the siren
It receives the signal from the antenna near the top of the pole
and flips the starting relay in the larger box.

This is the power/starter box. Rather plain, but heavy-duty
The T-135 takes a massive amount of power to run (50 amps, three phase)
There is no chance of battery backup ever working here

As I drove away, still in awe at the sheer size of the T-135, I paused for one more snapshot.
I certainly hope the Penetrator finds a new home elsewhere in town.

The Penetrator indeed did find a new home on the west side of the city, and is a dual tone (sounds just like an Allertor)
There is also one other T-128 out behind Sanger High School.