A Mirror of Siren Sounds


This server is on a 768/128 ADSL uplink, so downloads may be slow at times

These files are a collection of siren sounds that I have downloaded and made available for all to listen to.

These were donated by Brett

 Federal 3T22 Hi-Low Signal

 ACA Screamer 2hp in Alert

 Gamewell Diaphone Horns (4 blasts)

Other requested sounds

ACA Allertor in Attack mode (unknown recorder)

ACA Allertor in Alert mode (unknown recorder)

ACA Hurricane (alert mode) (Recorded by Eric Green in Garland)

 These files were sent out by Adam Pollak in an attempt to save his server.  These are of his personal 1003 head with a shopvac blower.  
 Please don't duplicate them without asking him first. Go see his site at http://federalthunderbolt.org/

1003 hi-lo signal

1003 pulsed signal

1003 pulsed signal (different timer setting)

These files were sent to me on CD by Byron Rieckman.  He asked me to make them available to all.  
The first 4 files are computer-edited.  
Please don't duplicate them without asking him first.  

Federal 2t22 Alert

Federal 2t22 Attack

Federal 2t22 Noon Test

Federal 3t22 Hi-Lo Attack

EOWS * 612 Single Tone Attack (Siren Contest entry)

EOWS * 612 Dual Tone Attack (Siren Contest Entry)

EOWS * 612 System recording (very cool)