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Joined: Mon Feb 19, 2018 4:51 pm
Real Name: Avery Gustafson
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Grandview CLM - Has any information regarding it come up since it was discovered?

Fri Mar 24, 2023 3:51 am

Hello all.
Today I remembered about a little rabbit hole I dove into a few years back, in 2019. My family was going to go to Canada, but our plans were shelved. On that stop I was determined to see myself a CLM. So I located one that used to be in Dauphin, Manitoba. So I got in contact with some workers that the siren used to be located on. Turns out that the siren had been bought by Grandview, MB. I contacted them, and it turns out that it was reinstalled at the water treatment plant. However I can't seem to find any pictures or updates on the siren in it's new location.
Does anyone have any information on the siren that's in Grandview?
Last I checked it's not on Streetview.
The thought of contacting the city has crossed my mind, but given I wouldn't actually be seeing the siren, I don't see that as polite or worth anyone's time.
If our plans for Canada ever restart, I'll see what I can do about visiting Grandview to check out the siren.
Two-Oh-Five, the connoisseur of strange hobbies.

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