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Re: the CICCA siren rabbit hole

Wed Jun 05, 2024 12:16 pm

Darley Champion wrote:
Thu May 30, 2024 1:59 am
Hey.. I've been kept busy by real life's usual shenanigans (long story) but of all the locations you posted.. (besides Verneuil where I'm still fuming that it got replaced...) I haven't been able to open the links (currently away from my computer + my phone doesn't seem to like Google Maps links, whatever)..

So the Airbus hangar thing, I can sorta guess it had to do with clearing the runway, they'd probably sound off the siren to let personnel on-site know that they must stay off the runway.. Something like that I'd presume?

The fire station one, it reminds me of that one SDIS 60 station I spotted in Liancourt/Mogneville they also have a similar tower mast and they have a siren on top that I'm not quite sure if it's a Cicca, I just thought about it. Liancourt has two sirens, one on a tower block (which is only visible from a distance, in person) that also seems to be dormant, and the fire station one.

(there's also Precy-sur-Oise's fire station, but they have a Demay R3P which seems to be dormant as well).

There's PROBABLY a Cicca hiding in Nogent-sur-Oise, on the grounds of the old Howden BC facility, I've seen it in person, it's the smaller kind of Ciccas/Chollet with the conica hat and the horn less rotor.. Although the building it's on has a diesel generator in it, so I think it may be a exhaust vent.. Since it's directly on the inner courtyard of the facility it's obviously not visible, in person I had to stand a bit far away to even catch a glimpse of the siren (?).

Although it's on a private property, so it's inaccessible, but I got some pictures of it when I was working there briefly (formation), so gimme a couple of weeks to find it on my hard drives and perhaps we could take a crack at identifying it.
intresting, tho, today is the first wednesday (the day im replying this), so as you might expect i filmed a siren, and thats right... i filmed the Videauban siren, FINALLY. and, i was decieved in some way but it was nice, it does not look like the Xonrupt one AT ALL. tho, its still a mystery siren. its 8 ports, just only 4 horns, and luckily i caught the rotor rotating too thanks to one of these holes, so i guess thats a plus. so i guess the Xonrupt siren mystery lives on. but still, i got quite a nice video of the Videauban one, IF ONLY IT DIDNT SOUND OFF 3 MINUTES EARLY. because of it sounding off 3 minutes early, i didnt catch the startup, but i immediatly started filming as soon as i could, and i got 95% of the test, just missing the startup. i usually start filming two minutes before noon to not miss the siren in case it sounds off early, but looks like i got ruined by this one, looks like ill be starting to film at 11:56 now instead of 11:58 in case a siren does it again. and, i am still wondering if the Xonrupt siren has a cover on the ports, or if its just a actual 4 horn siren, the Videauban one is just a 8 port siren with only 4 horns and thats kind of it, but still unknown brand. and finally, here are two links :

first is a link to the location of the Xonrupt siren on the julien boller siren map, since i noticied he put some photos never seen before on it, so here : ... 40103&z=20
and second is the youtube video of the Videauban siren test which is here :

thats kind of all i have to say, tho, i will go ahead and try to see the Liancourt/Mogneville fire station tower to see if they do have a CICCA on top or just a generic siren.
EDIT : probably a generic siren, on google street view, it looks like a average siren, tho, when i mean fire station tower like with the one with the CICCA, i actually mean a real tower, like, they have a whole tower just for themselves. tho, if you want to see that google street view for yourself then here, ... &entry=ttu

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Re: the CICCA siren rabbit hole

Mon Jun 10, 2024 10:20 pm

I don't know if it's me having issues on my end.. But I cannot see the pictures of the Xonrupt siren..

As for Videauban (I probably butchered the name... Sorry) siren, this does look like an after-the-fact modification was done to it at some point? Maybe it started it's life as a horn less siren and this shroud was slapped later on?

The Liancourt fire station siren kinda is interesting, it's probably the only truss mast mounted siren that I'm aware of in my area, besides Precy-sur-Oise (which is most likely a Demay R3P, mounted on the rooftop).

There is another in Clermont-de-l'Oise that I've posted somewhere on this board, I believe in the "Post your Epic sirens pictures here" thread, that one also eluded me, unfortunately I don't have many pictures of it, and the only I have was taken on my phone whose camera isn't the greatest.. I've been backing up my files on my phone (long story, it's nearing the end of its life, I've had it since, give or take 5 or 8 years? I'm not sure anymore) and I stumbled upon some old siren pictures I took, one of them was the Verneuil old siren 😔
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Re: the CICCA siren rabbit hole

Fri Jun 14, 2024 3:16 pm

Darley Champion wrote:
Mon Jun 10, 2024 10:20 pm
I don't know if it's me having issues on my end.. But I cannot see the pictures of the Xonrupt siren..

As for Videauban (I probably butchered the name... Sorry) siren, this does look like an after-the-fact modification was done to it at some point? Maybe it started it's life as a horn less siren and this shroud was slapped later on?

The Liancourt fire station siren kinda is interesting, it's probably the only truss mast mounted siren that I'm aware of in my area, besides Precy-sur-Oise (which is most likely a Demay R3P, mounted on the rooftop).

There is another in Clermont-de-l'Oise that I've posted somewhere on this board, I believe in the "Post your Epic sirens pictures here" thread, that one also eluded me, unfortunately I don't have many pictures of it, and the only I have was taken on my phone whose camera isn't the greatest.. I've been backing up my files on my phone (long story, it's nearing the end of its life, I've had it since, give or take 5 or 8 years? I'm not sure anymore) and I stumbled upon some old siren pictures I took, one of them was the Verneuil old siren 😔
you got the name right for Videauban when you said it tho...
and, luckily, julien boller filmed a very similar (probably identical) siren to the one in Videauban, and HE GOT THE TAG ON IT. it says SEM 2, i assume thats the model name, but not sure. and thats all the info on it. the horns appear to be mounted the same way as Pakita horns, and leave no "squares" to stick them into when removed, just like Videauban. i wonder why Videauban, removed 4 of the horns for no reason, its just weird. anyways, video here :
thats kind of all i have to say, and, bad news, the Demay R3P siren on leboncoin is being bought, womp womp... anyways one more thing, theres a german siren in Le Thoronet, i took some photos a month ago, and i just wonder, did you ever see a german siren in france ? if you are also wondering what model that siren in Le Thoronet is, its a Elektror S4A, pure german siren. its the 11 port version, the photos can be seen in the julien boller siren map here : ... 28071&z=20
now i have nothing else to say, oh wait i do... theres a german (i assume) siren on sale on leboncoin for 180€, and it makes a 640hz tone, so to anyone who wants that, there you go, im not intrested in it, so anyone that wants it can have it, anyways, link here :
and now i actually have nothing to say.

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Re: the CICCA siren rabbit hole

Fri Jun 14, 2024 7:15 pm

German sirens in France... Naw never seen personally, a friend of mine did find once an E57 in Alsace (near the German border) inside an run-down building, unfortunately he didn't take it, and tried to come the next day, only to find that it was gone.

Regarding the 640Hz siren, I don't see any identifying marks on the motor, I'm not quite sure what it is, but it looks like some industrial siren of some kind..

Regarding the R3P.. That sucks, I hadn't much luck either with the So4 (remember this one?), I told the seller a friend of mine would come and pick it up and asked him if that was okay, well, he just decided to leave me on read... I hate it when sellers do that...
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Re: the CICCA siren rabbit hole

Sat Jun 15, 2024 3:54 pm

Darley Champion wrote:
Fri Jun 14, 2024 7:15 pm
German sirens in France... Naw never seen personally, a friend of mine did find once an E57 in Alsace (near the German border) inside an run-down building, unfortunately he didn't take it, and tried to come the next day, only to find that it was gone.

Regarding the 640Hz siren, I don't see any identifying marks on the motor, I'm not quite sure what it is, but it looks like some industrial siren of some kind..

Regarding the R3P.. That sucks, I hadn't much luck either with the So4 (remember this one?), I told the seller a friend of mine would come and pick it up and asked him if that was okay, well, he just decided to leave me on read... I hate it when sellers do that...
im absolutely furious someone took the R3P, i wanted it so bad plus it was for cheap, looks like if i want a real siren i will have to resort to that rusty PTR siren for 350€ on leboncoin...
the 640hz siren definitely is some kind of industrial siren, but it looks german-ish, so i guess it might be a german industrial siren.

also, do you know those "Legrand" sirens ? theres like a billion of them on sale on leboncoin, and they are usually cheap, those are 8 port sirens and come in various voltages, from 12V DC to 24V DC to 24V AC to even 6V DC if i am correct, theres also a 240V AC version. i wonder where these Legrand sirens originated as i cant really find much info about them, oh avoid the 15€ (EXACTLY 15€) ones as i am planning to buy two of these 15€ priced ones so i just don't want someone to buy them, so i guess if you want these Legrand sirens theres a billion of them on sale.

anyways, i have not seen an E57 in france, the only german siren i ever saw in person was that Elektror S4A in Le Thoronet, oh and yes it does have the famous 11 ports that german sirens have. i did take pictures of it, but this site wont support pictures that are not online, so i guess i cant show them. and instead of being on a roof, its on its own little platform, weird...

back to the 640hz german siren, looking at the label, it has no brand name whatsoever, so either its chinese crap, or they just didnt bother.

and thats all i have to say since i had nothing else to say apart what i just said.

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Re: the CICCA siren rabbit hole

Sun Jun 16, 2024 12:25 am

Those Legrand sirens? Yeh I know those, I still see some, along with the Klaxon Minimites, they pack a real punch.

I'm not particularly after these, I'm more after a So4 or a Minimite, or hell, might as well try and import a Model L-240 (even though this is going to cost a lot) just for the hell of it.

I did actually have an opportunity to pick up a Cofrel siren, which was just a rebadged Sirena Supercelere or Celere, I've seen a few of those too, not really sure how well they hold up, but they look to be decent too.
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Re: the CICCA siren rabbit hole

Sun Jun 16, 2024 3:17 pm

Darley Champion wrote:
Sun Jun 16, 2024 12:25 am
Those Legrand sirens? Yeh I know those, I still see some, along with the Klaxon Minimites, they pack a real punch.

I'm not particularly after these, I'm more after a So4 or a Minimite, or hell, might as well try and import a Model L-240 (even though this is going to cost a lot) just for the hell of it.

I did actually have an opportunity to pick up a Cofrel siren, which was just a rebadged Sirena Supercelere or Celere, I've seen a few of those too, not really sure how well they hold up, but they look to be decent too.
i dont know much about mini sirens apart the S04, the carter/klaxon minimites (mine are branded carter, and not klaxon), legrand sirens and those crappy MS sirens. and wait, you want minimites ??? oh boy are you lucky, someones selling 6V minimites on leboncoin, 5 of them, and they are in prestine condition, my 12V ones are in a bit of a worser shape, and im never gonna sell them. so i guess if you want 6V minimites, here :

oh and also, after digging on julien boller's siren map, i found another misidentified siren, and it was a CICCA. sadly, it got into a fire and is probably never gonna sound off again, but still, link here : ... 36066&z=20
oddly enough, the factory it was in is abandonned, i sure hope someone can rescue that siren one day and maybe make it work again, it would be so nice.

and thats all i have to say.
EDIT : actually no, i have one more thing to say, that being since some guy bought the R3P, i might be buying that PTR siren instead, its more expensive, but i might try to convince the owner to sell it to me for cheaper than 200€. now i actually have nothing to say.

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Re: the CICCA siren rabbit hole

Fri Jun 21, 2024 12:26 pm

i have updates for the PTR, so yes i convinced him to sell it for 200€, now i just need to find a way to get it shipped to me, so i guess thats all.

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Re: the CICCA siren rabbit hole

Fri Jun 21, 2024 9:33 pm

Congrats on the PTR! Uhm thought given the weight... You'll have to get it freighted over, most likely..
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Re: the CICCA siren rabbit hole

Sat Jun 22, 2024 7:26 am

Darley Champion wrote:
Fri Jun 21, 2024 9:33 pm
Congrats on the PTR! Uhm thought given the weight... You'll have to get it freighted over, most likely..
sadly, the seller does not want to ship it, so my new plan is to get someone i know to do the 1 day long drive to Essey-Les-Nancy (where the siren is) and take it then bring it back to us, so it will be a 2 day long trip for the guy doing it, just gotta find someone willing to.

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