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Real Name: Noah Bennett
YouTube Username: ElevatorsofTennessee


Mon Dec 09, 2024 8:27 pm

It's been awhile. I have not been active lately as I haven't been into sirens as much as I used to. If you look at my older posts (I reccomend it), you'll be greated with the "McKenzie sirens incident" of McKenzie, TN. (I now call this town 'Broken sirens, TN')

It's been God knows how long- The sirens are possibly still dead. The video I made when I heard the siren at City Park, it sounded like it was hanging by a thread. Listen to that.. ... 2117636398 This particular video is in fact mine, but it was made in 2023. I heard the siren one time in math class. It was when everyone was completely silent. I hear one peep, and I couldn't hear it again. I tried to tell as many people as I can, but they argued about "when they heard the sirens a year ago", and they proceeded to say they worked fine. They continued to argue with me but I am trying to keep this town safe.

On 04/02/2024- It was the final time I heard those sirens. A tornado warning was issued and the conditions were just right for one to form not to far from my house. The hook was almost right above my school, but I wasn't there that day. I was out sick, but still managed to get the tornado siren on camera. They ran it 3 times, and the siren seemed to abruptly stop. As the hook dissolved, the storm moved out. Damage that was EF0 was recorded by me. A few trees went down, and there was small debris everywhere. I caught a fence getting ripped off on camera. I was very surprised the power never went out. Ever since this tornadic thunderstorm, I have not heard the sirens. I also notice the Memphis NWS is not that reliable. They issue warnings for storms that arent even close to severe, and ignore ACTUAL severe thunderstorms. A thunderstorm came in, the NWS ignored it, and it knocked out the Vale NWR transmitter TWICE!

My neighbor passed away, rest her soul, and her daugher quit the job at city hall. I haven't had any updates on the sirens. No new ones were put up. This is very concerning. Over the summer, the sirens never got tested ONCE. What if a major tornado hits? Our local Walmart doesn't sell weather radios, our town has no idea what a weather radio is, and our phones can't always be avalible as our #1. Though storms always dodge our town, split in half to avoid us, or weaken before it hits, our town depends on these sirens. Even with 3, and even if they were all working, theres huge coverage gaps according to Facebook posts from the public. One day, something will happen. McKenzie needs those sirens. When will city hall acknowledge..? We can't be safe with no sirens.

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Real Name: Jayden
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Location: Gretna, Louisiana
Contact: YouTube


Thu Dec 12, 2024 2:53 pm

Buy a weather radio online, problem solved. Don't rely on sirens as your main needs of knowing what's going on. Still an issue, though. I advise visiting city hall in person and asking.
Owner of the most dysfunctional 2T in the world... (not proud about it)
I live in southern Louisiana!

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