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Re: San Jose CA siren map

Fri Jul 05, 2024 10:23 am

Several sirens added in San Jose in 1958:
SJsirens1958.png (141.15 KiB) Viewed 6954 times

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Re: San Jose CA siren map

Fri Jul 05, 2024 10:26 am

Note that Polhemus Street is now Taylor Street. Taylor & Irene Street is still there:

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Re: San Jose CA siren map

Fri Jul 05, 2024 5:35 pm

These sirens may have been circular mounts but I may be wrong. I’m just assuming this because Taylor & Irene Street was #27, Frank M. Santana Park was #23, so #26 #28 and #29 could’ve been circular basket mounts as well. I think the CD was experimenting siren designs for the convenience? Before this had control boxes on the basket which was where the siren was, and after this, the baskets became rectangular with control boxes near the ground. I’ve noticed the Fedelcode mounts (controls on basket) are all removed. By the way, you forgot the Blaney Avenue and Calabazas creek siren remains as well, #28. It is located at R.I. Meyerholz elementary school and is also a circular mount, which makes three sirens remain. Other than that, most rectangular mounts are still out there and they are more in terms of existing than the fedelcode or circular mounts.
Editor of the San Jose Siren Map and the creator of the Santa Clara County Civil Defense Siren map. I wonder what happened to the 45 other county sirens that caused the numbers from 150 to 105?

I also own a Federal Signal Model PL

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Re: San Jose CA siren map

Sun Jul 14, 2024 7:33 am

I think the siren on 7th Street at San Jose State College (now university) had a round basket.

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Re: San Jose CA siren map

Mon Jul 15, 2024 6:27 pm

I believe anything before 29 and some number after 20 maybe? Was a round basket. I’m wondering what the gap is though between #23 (Frank M. Santana Park) and # 26 is. The siren numbering isn’t in order by location but I have managed to connect many sirens together in order. SD-10s were #48 - #54, possibly 55 but I can’t find any other SD-10 in San Jose’s CD. I don’t think Hedbergs were numbered but some Scream Masters were single digits and after that came fedelcodes (not sure if they were numbered either since they are all removed except Alviso which is a different mount) then the circle mounts, which were numbered and all of them remaining you can still read, then the model 7 rectangular mounts which some of them you can still see their numbers. Also forgot to mention some of them had CD tags right under the number and you can see that in #23. Probably when they were still yellow and weren’t painted over. If the whole county was numbered in order, then San Jose would’ve been the first to place them. I don’t really know though about that.
Editor of the San Jose Siren Map and the creator of the Santa Clara County Civil Defense Siren map. I wonder what happened to the 45 other county sirens that caused the numbers from 150 to 105?

I also own a Federal Signal Model PL

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Re: San Jose CA siren map

Sun Jan 19, 2025 6:33 am

Yes I know it's a bump, but I do think this should be active every once in a while. Anyways, I did some picture hunting in the SJPL digital collections and found 2 siren locations with 1 being possible. The first one is a circular mount model 7 located at W. Julian Street & Cinnabar Street. The siren from the perspective looked pretty small to me honestly, but to see them in person is entirely different. One of the editors put a siren that's unknown at Lenzen and The Alameda, but looking at that picture I didn't see anything so I don't know if one was there. The second picture is possibly the King Road and Story Avenue model 7 gen 3 mount. It's on the left road next to that white car but I can't confirm it. I do see a control box and it also appears to be on the side right of Newberrys. Sadly they are both in black & white so I don't get to see the sirens in their true colors. Even the pictures with color didn't have sirens in them when I searched. I discovered some pictures of the Elks Building Fedelcode but since I've seen like 3 pictures of it already I didn't consider it that cool. SJPL had many other pictures of intersections but I haven't found any other ones, especially the ones in the Santa Clara CD map that are marked as "Unknown."
image_2025-01-18_222756034.png (776.67 KiB) Viewed 829 times
image.psd.png (1.8 MiB) Viewed 829 times
image_2025-01-18_222728898.png (55.46 KiB) Viewed 829 times
Editor of the San Jose Siren Map and the creator of the Santa Clara County Civil Defense Siren map. I wonder what happened to the 45 other county sirens that caused the numbers from 150 to 105?

I also own a Federal Signal Model PL

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