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Has there ever been a time when...

Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2006 9:46 pm
by ThunderboltFreak
Has there ever been a time when a siren was being worked on at the top of the pole and someone was up there repairing it and it suddenly went off? I know this is a stupid question but I was just curious. :roll:

Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2006 9:53 pm
by SirenMadness
Believe me, if there was such an incident, a hard-core veteran here would rush in with articles.

Unless the technician forgets to disconnect the power to the siren before servicing, he would be alright, manual amputation still being a risk. :P

Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2006 11:05 pm
by Daniel
The assistant chief at the Tangent, Oregon, fire station told me that he had climbed to the top of the hose tower shortly after the siren had been installed, and it went off directly above his head, almost knocking him off the edge. This siren is the three-horned one that nobody has yet been able to identify.

Posted: Sun Dec 24, 2006 6:36 pm
by Rheems1
Not exactly the same thing, but an example of what it might be like. This was recorded by Ken Totsite (I am butchering that last name) from It was made at his department in Farmingdale, NY and no it isn't a fake and no everything on the longislandfirealarm page is not a fake. Figured I would point that out before someone threw in thier two cents like has happened in the past.
