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Ottawa Thunderbolt 1000 Heard from Marseilles

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2014 1:36 am
by TommyBNSF
From the audio recorder I set up at the T-128 at the Marseilles campgrounds, the Thunderbolt in downtown Ottawa can be heard sounding for its 10:30 test. The 2001s can faintly be heard during the windup, but fade away once they get to full speed.

Re: Ottawa Thunderbolt 1000 Heard from Marseilles

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2015 8:27 pm
by coastalsyrolover
Sorry for the bump but DANG that really is saying something for the Single tone Tbolt!

Re: Ottawa Thunderbolt 1000 Heard from Marseilles

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2015 3:14 am
by Fireman61341
The sad part is they don't consider it part of their system anymore and are pretty much leaving it up there to die with no maintenance.

Re: Ottawa Thunderbolt 1000 Heard from Marseilles

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2015 5:27 am
by Chicagosiren-hunters
Is it not active anymore?

Re: Ottawa Thunderbolt 1000 Heard from Marseilles

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2015 7:46 am
by coastalsyrolover
No it still is but it's pointed in one direction. Basically the only reason it's not deactivated is because it's "Too much of a hassle to take it down" So they point it in an area with basically no direct contact with a 2001. Which is funny because you can't really hear the 2001s in this video and you can hear the bolt over them all...

Re: Ottawa Thunderbolt 1000 Heard from Marseilles

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2015 1:51 pm
by Fireman61341
Saw a crane there last summer and I thought that was the end for sure, but they were just working on the roof. It still sounds pretty healthy so it will probably be there a while, I tried to convince the last fire chief to turn the rotator back on but he didn't seem to care. The county owns the building it's on.

Re: Ottawa Thunderbolt 1000 Heard from Marseilles

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2015 7:43 pm
by coastalsyrolover
Okay I am sorry for spamming this topic but I have to ask one more thing. That wind up makes it sound like a whelen... There aren't any nearby whelens that sound like the thunderbolt are there?

Re: Ottawa Thunderbolt 1000 Heard from Marseilles

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2015 9:09 pm
by Fireman61341
The nearest Whelen that I know of is 20 miles away in Utica and there are none in Ottawa, that's definitely the Thunderbolt. Although it's kind of ironic that you asked that since the T-128 (I think it might actually be a 135) that he had the recorder set up for in this video replaced the only Whelen in what was once the all Federal system of Exelon LaSalle.

Re: Ottawa Thunderbolt 1000 Heard from Marseilles

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2015 3:02 am
by TommyBNSF
That definitely is the Thunderbolt heard in the video. It sounds at about 465 Hz, so just like an early 2000s Whelen. Funny thing is I was searching through my audio at the 10:30 mark for Seneca's 2 T-128s going off, but instead I got to hear the Thunderbolt. If you notice closely, you can barely make out the 2001s as the siren is winding up.

Also fireman, I checked the horn and controls, and it is indeed a T-128. I also just realized I have a video camera icon at the Dupont Rd. P-50 as well... Whoops. Anyways, the audio is from that T-128 at the campgrounds.

Re: Ottawa Thunderbolt 1000 Heard from Marseilles

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2015 3:32 am
by Fireman61341
I'll take your word for it, I've only done a drive by. I'd like to know why their plan is for all the former Thunderbolt poles that were never taken down and still have power to them.