It'll be along the same general format. You can email pictures in to [email protected]
When you email in, be sure to send info relating to the picture #, such as City, State, County (as some cities are in more than 1 county), and Siren Location (intersection or landmark). You can also add any testing info, such as fire station siren at 6 pm everyday. Only give the info if you are sure about it though.
Busgeek71 wrote:I've been thinking about the old Siren Archive, and wonder if a new, similar site should be made for us siren photogs and enthusiasts. I've actually thought of building a site myself. Any thoughts from the board?
Toledo 2t22 wrote:I had the same thoughts myself, but If you want to go ahead. I've created and I maintain a few sites for my various school activities (Quiz Bowl, Chess Team, German Honorary) so I'm very good at designing web pages. I just wouldn't have the funds to get it online... I'm kind of broke right now and thats why my model 5 is still sitting in pieces across the city of toledo lol
Mantis wrote:If someone starts building one, I'd be glad to help where I can (supplying photos, etc). I actually started one myself but scrapped it before getting very far.
Busgeek71 wrote:How much storage is best for a site like this? The host I found has 1024MB storage. Would this be enough? This is the only thing I haven't worked out yet.
kswx29 wrote:I think a new Siren Archive would be great. It would be a centralized place for siren pictures and a place where some could go to find out what sirens certain communities use.